Thursday 6 March 2014

Theories, texts and industry knowledge

Primary - Employment involving extracting natural resouces from the earth. Such as Fisherman, Miner and Farmer.
Secondary - Employment that involves manufacturing raw materials into something else. Such as making cotten into a shirt, carpenters and builders.
Tertiary - Employment that involves the worker providing a service. Such as hotel chamber maid, doctor and train driver.
Quatenary - employment that involves using high technology and innovation. Such as geneticist, software design and grpahic designer.
Clarke Fisher model for employment?
Pre-industrial Stage –the LDC’s have high amounts of primary industries due to the fact that there is a lack of education and they are mainly subsistence farmers. There are very few jobs in the tertiary and manufacturing sectors, due to lack of money to set up these factories or build them.
Industrial Stage As time passes, manufacturing increases, New factories spring up in many locations. So the secondary sector grows in importance. The tertiary sector also grows  (but not as fast) The primary sector continues to decline in this period as the country industrialises.
Post-industrial Stage - In this stage the tertiary sector become most important. Secondary sector tends to die away. As more people start to live in towns, there is a growing demand for various services - from health and education to transport and finance. Quaternary jobs begin to form too as the country becomes wealthier.

What impact can Global Media have on identity?
It making countries follow the dominent countries styles and interests, such as america and England, fashion, music and film are the a few of the biggest worlwide trends.
How do emplyment sectors change and develop with globalisation?
Countries such as the UK and USA have more jobs in diffrent sectors whereas mostly LEDC's have more jobs but in the same sectors, mostly Primary and Secondary.
How does the development of emplymen sectors impact on personal identity?
LEDC's have restrained identities because their only so many job sectors they can go into whereas MEDC's have many job oppurtunties.
What Impact does globalisation have on the structure of jobs in MEDC and LEDCs?
In MEDCs there are Primary, sceondary, teriary and quaternary jobs whereas in LEDCs there a re much limit usually Primary and Secondary and for a much lower wage and quilaity of work place.
My family employment history
Mother - Shop assistant
Father - U.S Army
Brother - Plastering
Grandmother - Nurse
Grandfather - Manual Labour
My family have worked in varied jobs but mostly secondary and tertiary, I think if I went further back I would see more Primary and Secondary.
USA - MEDC (Service employment)

Brazil - NIC (Factory employment)

image - Brazil employment structure
Nepal - LEDC (farming employment)
  • Why do MEDC's have more tertiary employment?
More economically developed countries have more tertiay employment because there are more service jobs
  • Why do LEDC's have more primary employment?

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